Members from the west coast are solely focused on obtaining technology for the Brotherhood.
What is even more surprising is how different they are from each other.
Join in, blow some stuff up, betray your friends: go ham. Those who have exclusively played Bethesda's Fallout titles might be surprised to know that the Brotherhood of Steel stretches out to the west and east coast of the remains of America. Haven't checked Fallout 76 out yet because of that launch reception? This weekend is a good chance because it's a free-to-play weekend. Bethesda is keeping details pretty mum at this time, but the company did confirm that this particular faction will be officially added before the end of the year. Like the ones before it, its set on Earth, decades after World War III turned it into a radioactive cinder also like the ones before it, it combines black humor and gut-splattering violence. It wouldn't be the Brotherhood if they weren't packing a whole lot of heat, which is what the teaser for their arrival shows off. Brotherhood of Steel is the fourth game in the Fallout series, and the first of them to appear on a console. That changed several hundred updates ago, and now they are back in full force. In the beginning, Bethesda did some ret-con with the lore which was meant to setup that the Brotherhood wouldn't fit in with Fallout 76's timeline, despite the in-game clues that seemingly referenced this faction.